IEE’s mission statement is “Modeling Economic Growth Through Environmental Sustainability” and it shows. Everyone in the company is continually “breaking new ground” in this effort in everything from their product and service offerings, business practices, to the business relationships they develop and nurture.
Their environmental mission doesn’t stop when the work day ends. Not surprisingly, IEE CEO Dave Sheild has installed a geothermal system to heat and cool his home. He paired the system with prairie restoration-oak savanna grasses which are planted over his rain garden/French drains. The eco-friendly, decorative grasses mean no lawn mowing in the rain garden and the French drains enhance the residential geothermal installation’s efficiency.
IEE was so excited about launching their new website developed by Marketing Eco because of the way it both empowers them and because of its green hosting that they decided to launch ahead of having all content completed. This is quite similar to what we did at Marketing Eco when we launched our own WordPress website. Because the content management system is so easy to use, filling in any thin spots is a breeze.
IEE’s “energy” in both the geothermal and enthusiastic sense is marvelous to behold. Here’s a little more about IEE and their mission straight from the source:
Modeling Economic Growth Through Environmental Sustainability
We are committed to large-scale, nationwide deployment of sustainable energy solutions. Our primary focus is on making the the U.S. building sector more energy efficient with Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) systems playing a central role. The U.S. building sector accounts for 40% of primary U.S. energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Industrial and Transportation sectors are second and third in order of energy usage. GHP technology alone can realize 50%-60% savings on building energy usage making it one of the highest impact, deep savings solutions available.
“There are immediate and significant savings in energy efficiency and conservation. Energy efficiency is not just low-hanging fruit; it is fruit lying on the ground. For example, we have the potential to make buildings 80% more efficient with investments that will pay for themselves in less than fifteen years. Buildings consume 40% of the energy we use, and a transition to energy efficient buildings will cut our carbon emissions by one third.” — Steven Chu, U.S. Secretary of Energy and Nobel Laureate in Physics, from 2009 Harvard Commencement Speech.
One of our goals is to get private sector investors to drive the sustainability movement by providing structured financing made possible through project development and aggregation. Investors should be able to earn an attractive return while simultaneously supporting the rebuilding of America’s energy infrastructure. Linking sustainability with compelling economic incentives is the key to large-scale deployment of solutions that can ultimately end America’s dependence on fossil fuels and meet the required GHG emissions reductions.